樊 细 副研究员

樊细,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。入选宁波3315创新团队成员。2013年6月获得武汉大学凝聚态物理博士学位,主要研究方向为柔性有机光伏材料与器件。2014年3月至7月访问新加坡国立大学工程系,研究方向为高导柔性PEDOT:PSS的开发。2015年7月前往香港理工大学纺织与制衣系和应用物理系从事博士后研究,研究方向为柔性有机光伏器件与可穿戴应变传感器。2017年8月加入中科院宁波材料所新能源技术研究所,任“春蕾人才”副研究员岗位,主要从事高性能柔性能源器件的开发。目前以第一作者/通讯作者 在Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsAdvanced Electronic MaterialsAdvanced Materials TechnologiesACS PhotonicsACS Applied Materials & Interface等期刊上发表了论文十余篇。


邮箱: fanxi@nimte.ac.cn

1. W. Song, X. Fan*, B.G. Xu, F. Yan, H. Cui, Q. Wei, R. Peng, L. Hong, J. Huang, Z.Y. Ge*. All Solution-Processed Metal Oxide-Free Flexible Organic Solar Cells with Over 10% Efficiency. Advanced Materials DOI:10.1002/adma.201800075. 
2. X. Fan, N. Wang, F. Yan,* J. Wang,* W. Song, Z.Y. Ge*. A Transfer-Printed, Stretchable and Reliable Strain Sensor Using PEDOT:PSS/Ag NW Hybrid Films Embedded into Elastomers. Advanced Materials Technologies DOI: 10.1002/admt.201800030. 
3. X. Fan, N. Wang, J. Wang, B.G. Xu, F. Yan*. Highly Sensitive, Durable and Stretchable Plastic Strain Sensors Using Sandwich Structures of PEDOT:PSS and an Elastomer. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2018, 2, 355−361. 
4. X. Fan, B.G. Xu,* N. Wang, J. Wang,* S. Liu, H. Wang, F. Yan*. Highly Conductive Stretchable All-Plastic Electrodes Using a Novel Dipping-Embedded-Transfer Method for High-Performance Wearable Sensors and Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells. Advanced Electronic Materials 2017, 3, 1600471. 
5. X. Fan, B.G. Xu*, S. Liu, C. Cui, J. Wang, F. Yan*. Transfer-Printed PEDOT:PSS Electrodes Using Mild Acids for High Conductivity and Improved Stability with Application to Flexible Organic Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 14029−14036. 
6. X. Fan, J. Wang, H. Wang, X. Liu, H. Wang*. Bendable ITO-free Organic Solar Cells with Highly Conductive and Flexible PEDOT:PSS Electrodes on Plastic Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 16287−16295. 
7. X. Fan*, J. Wang, H. Huang, H. Wang*. Binary Additives Regulate the PC71BM Aggregate Morphology for Highly Efficient Polymer Solar Cells. ACS Photonics 2014, 1, 1278−1284. 
8. X. Fan, S. Guo*, G. J. Fang*, C. Zhan, H. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y.F. Li. An Efficient PDPPTPT:PC61BM-Based Tandem Polymer Solar Cells with a Ca/Ag/MoO3 Intermediate Layer. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2013, 113, 135−139. 
9. X. Fan, C. Cui, G.J. Fang*, S. Li, F. Cheng, H. Long, Y.F. Li*. Efficient Polymer Solar Cells Based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene):Indene-C70 Bisadduct with a MoO3 Buffer Layer. Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22, 585−590. 
